Corporate & MBE Programs

Discover how our programming can help build your business

The mission of The Council is to advocate for the growth and development of our corporate members and MBE business relationships. Through our stakeholder-specific business development programs, we’re able to help all NYNJMSDC constituents make the most of their membership.

Business Development Programs

Our MBE programs can take many different forms, from MBE programs centered around mentorship to workshops and training sessions. In the case of the Council, these programs are specifically targeted toward the advancement of minority-owned businesses. Our business development programs can take many different forms, from MBE mentorship programs to workshops and training sessions. The goal of our corporate and MBE programs is to equip entrepreneurs and business owners with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to grow their businesses—and also to connect our corporate members with certified-MBE’s who are well-qualified to meet their diverse needs.

It’s The Council’s mission to continuously enhance and expand our business development program offerings to create high-level value for all stakeholders, and our development events create the perfect opportunity to foster new relationships and hone your networking skills.

MBE Programs

Our minority business programs begin before you’re even certified with Pre-Certification Webinars designed to answer all your questions about NYNJMSDC membership. Once you’re a member, we guide you through the onboarding process with MBE Onboarding sessions that will help you get the most out of your membership and assist you build the lasting relationships you’re looking for.

From Straight Talk Sessions with President & CEO Terrence Clark, to opportunities to learn from our corporate members on how their industry finds diverse suppliers – our MBE programs give insider knowledge to our members. Meaning the more involved you are with our business development programs, the more you’ll get out of your certification.

Check out some of our upcoming minority business program events & more

Corporate Member Programs

All NYNJMSDC corporate members have access to our database of thousands of certified-MBE that can help them meet their diversity goals. But one of the best ways to get involved with The Council is to get involved with our business development programs. Whether you sign up to lead a “How to Do Business With…” event or join us at one of our MBE summits, getting face-time with minority-owned business leaders leads to longer-lasting relationships and an easier path to increasing your supplier diversity programs.

Interested in becoming a corporate member?

We also offer several signature events, which are open to all of our certified suppliers, corporate members, and affiliate network.
View Signature Events →

Awards & Recognitions

A large part of The Council’s work is centered around advocacy, both for the MBEs we certify and members we support. Each year at our partnership and sponsor recognition events, we give out our “Supplier of the Year” and “Corporation of the Year” awards, recognizing MBEs who are delivering the highest quality resources to their customers and showing our appreciation for corporations that are fully committed to their supplier diversity in their procurement programs.

Subcontracting Opportunities & MBE Partnership

When we hear about a great opportunity, we do everything we can to get our network of minority suppliers involved. From one-off open requisitions to large-scale ongoing relationships, we highly encourage our MBEs to explore these new avenues. If you’re unable to go it alone, consider co-partnership with another minority supplier to go in on a proposal together. Check out our current opportunities below: