Corporate Sponsorship Packages

Our programs and initiatives would not be as strong as they are without your financial support and participation. Our corporate sponsorship packages include opportunities to give your corporation recognition and build a presence that strengthens your business relationships in New York and New Jersey.

Annual Corporate Sponsorship Package Levels

If you’re one of the many companies wanting to sponsor the NYNJMSDC, we highly encourage you to sign-on for annual sponsorship. No matter your level, you’ll receive corporate recognition as a supporter of minority-owned firms, have your corporation’s logo placed in all The Council’s advertising materials (at your given level), be highlighted as a major sponsor on The Council’s website and all promotional materials for signature events, and be featured on The Council’s social media platforms.

Corporate Sponsorship Packages →

Corporate Sponsorship Levels
Annual All Levels Include: Platinum
Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship Package
Business Opportunity Exchange
April 17, 2024

Corporate recognition as a supporter of minority-owned firms

Highlighted as a sponsor on The Council's website an in marketing materials

Recognition on The Council's social media platforms and...

Eight (8) full registrations

Eligible for Exhibitor Table at the event

Eligible to host a corporate workshop at the event

Full Page Advertisement

Six (6) full registrations

Eligible for Exhibitor Table at the event

Eligible to host a corporate workshop at the event

Full Page Advertisement

Five (5) full registrations

Eligible for Exhibitor Table at the event

Eligible to host a corporate workshop at the event

Half Page Advertisement

Four (4) full registrations

Eligible for Exhibitor Table at the event

Eligible to host a corporate workshop at the event

Quarter Page Advertisement

Two (2) full registrations

Eligible for Exhibitor Table at the event

Eligible to host a corporate workshop at the event

Quarter Page Advertisement

Biz Connect
Powered by NYNJMSDC
July 25, 2024

Recognition in marketing materials and...

Six (6) admission tickets

Four (4) admission tickets

Three (3) admission tickets

Two (2) admission tickets

Two (2) admission tickets

Partnership Awards Gala
September 19, 2024

Recognition in marketing materials and...

Twenty (20) admission tickets — (Two full tables)

Full Page Advertisement

Ten (10) admission tickets — (One full table)

Full Page Advertisement

Eight (8) admission tickets

Half Page Advertisement

Five (5) admission tickets

Quarter Page Advertisement

Two (2) admission tickets

Quarter Page Advertisement

Networking for Scholarships
September 26, 2024

Recognition in marketing materials and...

Two (2) foursomes of golf passes (8 registrations)

Two (2) networking passes for non-golfers

One (1) foursomes of golf passes (4 registrations)

Two (2) networking passes for non-golfers

Four (4) golfer passes - (One (1) golf foursome)

One (1) foursomes of golf passes (4 registrations)

Two (2) networking passes for non-golfers

One (1) foursomes of golf passes (4 registrations)

Two (2) Networking passes for non-golfers

Educational Programs: Corporate Coaching & Mentoring Program, Healthcare & Sustainability Symposiums

Two (2) admission tickets to each event

Recognition in all relevant marketing materials

Acknowledgment as a supporter of NYNJMSDC's Educational Programs

We are continuing to develop new networking opportunities and educational programs for business owners and corporate supplier diversity professionals throughout our region, which includes New York City, upstate New York, Long Island, and northern/central New Jersey. We are strengthening our team in order to certify quality MBEs, thereby giving you more opportunities to diversify your supply chain.

Become an Annual Sponsor →

Corporate Sponsorship Packages by Event

We understand that annual sponsorship isn’t for everyone, which is why we offer event-specific opportunities for companies wanting to sponsor and support The Council. Explore the various ways you can back your favorite Council initiatives with our corporate sponsorship opportunities.

Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Event All Levels Include: Platinum
Business Opportunity Exchange
April 17, 2024

Recognition in marketing materials (including digital assets & signage), link to your business on the Council's event website, and...

Ten (10) full registrations

Welcome address at the event (5-minutes)

Exhibitor Table

Full Page Advertisement

Eight (8) full registrations

Welcome address at the event (2-minutes)

Exhibitor Table

Full Page Advertisement

Six (6) full registrations

Exhibitor Table

Half Page Advertisement

Four (4) full registrations

Exhibitor Table

Quarter Page Advertisement

Event All Levels Include: Platinum
Biz Connect
Powered by NYNJMSDC
July 25, 2024

Recognition in marketing materials, link to your business on the Council's event website, and...

Six (6) admission tickets

Welcome address at the event

Five (5) admission tickets

Four (4) admission tickets

Three (3) admission tickets

Event All Levels Include: Platinum
Partnership Awards Gala
September 19, 2024

Recognition in all event marketing materials (including digital assets & signage)

Promotion on the Council's social media platforms

Link to your business provided on the Council's event website

Eligibility to provide promotional materials in the gift bags and...

Ten (10) admission tickets

Recognition as a Co-sponsor

Welcome address (2-minute remarks)

Full Page Advertisement

Six (6) admission tickets

Full Page Advertisement

Four (4) admission tickets

Half Page Advertisement

Two (2) admission tickets

Quarter Page Advertisement

Event All Levels Include: Diamond Sponsor
Ruby Sponsor
Emerald Sponsor
Networking for Scholarships
September 25, 2024

Recognition in all event marketing materials (including digital assets and signage)

Promotion on the Council's social media platforms

Link to your business provided on the Council's event website

Eligibility to provide promotional materials in the Golfer Gift bag

Two (2) foursomes of golf passes (8 registrations)

Two (2) Networking passes for non-golfers

One (1) Golf Tee Box branded

One (1) Golf Hole branded

Four (4) Golf Carts branded

One (1) foursome of golf passes (4 registrations)

Two (2) Networking passes for non-golfers

One (1) Golf Tee Box branded

One (1) Golf Hole branded

Two (2) Gold Carts branded

Two (2) golf passes

Two (2) Networking passes for non-golfers

One (1) Golf Hole branded

One (1) Golf Cart Branded

Sponsor an Event →

By choosing to partner with NYNJMSDC, becoming a part of a vibrant community of business leaders committed to promoting inclusion, diversity, and economic development. With your help, we can create innovative programs, promote change, and organize events that encourage trailblazers and change-makers in the business sector through our corporate sponsorship packages.

Join forces with us, and we can jointly develop novel approaches to promote supplier diversity, give voice to marginalized groups, and build a fairer business environment. Participate in our corporate sponsorship opportunities and share in our mission to promote diversity, revolutionize industries, and leave a lasting legacy.

Your involvement has a direct impact on our ability to grow and develop corporate members and MBE business relationships.

Become a Sponsor →