NEW YORK, NY—The New York and New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council (NYNJMSDC) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 Corporate Awards, which were announced during a brief virtual ceremony on December 8, 2022.
The corporate awards were received by I. Javette Hines, Global Head, Supply Chain Development, Inclusion and Sustainability for Citi and Sonia Walkes, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager for ConEd. Congratulations to all of this year’s winners!
2022 National Corporation of the Year: Citi

The National Corporation of the Year Award represents excellence in minority business inclusion and supplier development at a national level. This award is regarded as the most significant honor to a major corporation, recognizing its best practice utilization of Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Native American suppliers and its demonstrated distinction in championing and delivering real results in areas critical to maintaining a solid minority supplier development process – policies; procurement, particularly growth in dollars and percent; MBE development; and leadership and engagement.
2022 Local Corporation of the Year: Consolidated Edison (ConEd)

The Local Corporation of the Year Award represents excellence in minority business inclusion and supplier development at a local level. This award is regarded as a significant honor, as it signifies the corporation’s commitment to Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American suppliers. It also highlights the corporation’s dedication to delivering real results in areas critical to maintaining a solid minority supplier development process, including policies, procurement, MBE development, leadership, and growth and engagement.
2022 Advocate of the Year: Shendora Pridgen, Morgan Stanley

The Advocate of the Year Award is presented to a corporate member with at least two years of experience in a corporate supplier diversity role. The up and coming or seasoned recipient demonstrates exceptional action, engagement, and leadership in supplier diversity and in support of The Council’s mission.
The corporate awards were received by Yvette Mouton, AT&T Senior Supplier Diversity Sourcing Manager, Global Connections & Supply Chain and Michael Garner, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Metropolitan Transportation Authority respectively. For more information about the awards, please contact Terrence Clark, NYNJMSDC President and CEO.
Learn more about Corporate Sponsorships and Opportunities.
About the Council
The New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (The Council), established in 1973, is a vital link between major corporations and minority business enterprises (MBEs). Each year, member corporations have reported billions of dollars spent with Council-certified Minority Business Enterprises. Serving the New York and New Jersey region, The Council is one of the 23 regional affiliates of the National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (NMSDC).
The Council is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that identifies minority suppliers, certifies minority business enterprises, and facilitates procurement opportunities between major purchasing entities and Council-certified minority suppliers. That supplier group includes Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Native-American businesses located throughout the state of New York and Northern and Central New Jersey, including Trenton. The Council’s membership consists of Fortune 500 corporations, government agencies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations.
The Council encourages its membership of Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations to include MBEs as their regular suppliers of products, goods, and services. Through its MBE certification program, The Council links a myriad of businesses for local, national, and global impact. The Council is committed to advancing supplier diversity initiatives to a world-class level.